Css exam in pakistan online registration – what is CSS 2020
0pKMUSICJanuary 16, 2020
Introduction : CSS Exam stands for Central Superior Service Exam. CSS Exam is conducted by Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) Islamabad for the recruitment of candidates to posts (BS-17) in the following services under the Federal Government.
Commerce and Trade Services
Customs and Excise Services
District Management Group
Foreign service of Pakistan
Income Tax Group
Information Group
Military Lands and Cantonments Groups
Office Management Group
Pakistan Audit and Accounts service
Police Service of Pakistan
Postal Services Group
Railways (Commercial and Transportation) Group
Parts of CSS Exam
CSS Exam consists of the following four parts:
Written Examination Medical Test Psychological Test Viva Voce
Eligibility Criteria
Applicant must fulfill the following eligibility criteria for appearing in CSS Exam.
Nationality Criteria: The applicant must be a citizen of Pakistan or permanent resident of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Educational Criteria:
The applicant must have a Bachelor Degree with atleast 2nd division from a university of Pakistan or equivalent qualification from foreign university recognized by HEC.
A candidate having 3rd Division in his or her Bachelor degree can only apply for the exam if he or she has secured Higher Division in the Master Degree. Age Criteria:
The age limit for candidate applying for CSS Exam is 21 to 30 years.
The age limit is relaxed by two years (making 32 years as maximum age) for candidates currently serving as government employee or belonging to recognized tribes and areas. The criteria for age relaxation are given at the end of the page.
The important dates for CSS Exam 2019-20 are as follows:
How to Apply for CSS Exam
The advertisement of CSS Exam, reflecting dates, is published in all newspapers in September each year.
Deposit the exam fee in the nearest Govt. Treasury / State Bank of Pakistan / National Bank of Pakistan under the account head “C02101-Organs of State Exam fee (FPSC Receipt).
Fill in the ‘Online Application Form’ on the official website of FPSC and take a print-out (hard-copy) of the same online form.
Dispatch the hard copy of online form along with copies of your documents and bank receipt to the FPSC headquarter, Islamabad.
Candidate has to appear in the four parts of CSS Exam i.e. written, medical, psychological test and Viva-voce.
Written exam has six compulsory paper and six optional papers (to be selected from the list).
The minimum mark for qualifying compulsory paper is 40 % and for optional paper is 33 %.
The candidate qualifying the written test will be shortlisted for further parts medical, psychological test and Viva-voce.
Candidate can apply for rechecking of his or her paper. Rechecking fee is Rs. 500 per paper.
Age relaxation Criteria: The age limit for CSS exam is 21 to 30 years. The age limit is relaxed by two years (i.e. 32 years) for the following candidates for govt employee .
Federal Public Service Commission FPSC has started the online registration process for Central Superior Service CSS exam 2020. Applications can be submitted online on FPSC web portal latest by October 31, 2019. Applicants must also submit the hard copy of the application form along with required documents to FPSC headquarters on or before November 11, 2019.
CSS Schedule 2020
Online Application starts: October 01, 2019
Last date for Online Application: October 31, 2019 Last date to submit hard copy: November 11, 2019
CSS Exams 2020 : February 2020
Eligibility Criteria for CSS Exam 2020
2nd Division Bachelor Degree
Male and Female including disabled
Age 21 to 30 on December 2019 (2 years age relaxation in special cases )
How to Apply for CSS Exams
All applicants desirous to appear in CSS exams 2020 must submit online application from October 01, to October 31, 2019.
Submit the print of the online application with attested copies of the required documents through courier to FPSC Headquarters on or before November 11, 2019
Along with hard copy of the application, also submit original paid fee challan of PKR: 2200/-
Application form for CSS exam can be filled online at www.fpsc.gov.pk